How to Achieve Consistent Content Quickly

How to Achieve Consistent Content Quickly

Sep 06, 2021

You want to be able to create content without spending hours and hours doing it.

Imagine the opportunities there are for your followers’ questions or comments to spark ideas for a post, newsletter, blog or vlog (video transcribed to be edited as a blog) or opt-in.

But Bev I hear you say… (was that an eye roll too? 😉)
“I want to be able to create content without spending hours and hours doing it.”

If content creation feels like an obligation or a task you begin to dread that energy will flow into the words you craft or the video you record…

Here are 3 steps to achieving consistent content quickly even if consistency isn't your strength

#1 Know what to write with the 5 W's

Use who, what, why, when, where to stop the guessing and start writing the best content for your ideal clients.

Who is this for?

Be specific as if you talk to everyone you talk to no one. Describe one ideal client in detail who is a good fit for your services so you can be explicit when looking at the following questions.

What do they think the problem is?

Market research is a great way to hear first-hand how they state the problem using their own words. If not then use your own experience to feel into their thought process for one problem.

Why is this important to them?

It needs to be a priority in their life or business so they’re willing to take action now. We don’t need to dig into their pain, rather look at why it’s worth doing and what will be better as a result.

Where does this show up?

Consider the thoughts, feelings, behaviours, mindset and impact on their life or business. These are often the symptoms of the problem rather than the root cause.

What do I need to help them understand?

You may need to bust some myths or address what’s getting in the way of them moving forward. Reflect on where they are and help them understand the bigger picture and then dig into the real need your services address.

What resistance do they have?

Often there are unconscious benefits of staying stuck or limiting beliefs. For example: "if I start a newsletter then I’m stuck having to create content of value all the time". The resistance is twofold: I don’t know what to write and so I don’t make the time.

When will this problem be resolved?

If you know there’s a journey to the transformation they truly want and it’s not a quick fix, then focus on the timeframe of the first few steps that give them relief from the problem so they taste some success.

#2 Create content pillars to leverage your time and effort

  • Follow the steps above so that you end up with 4 content pillars based on each problem you identify
  • Write down 3 - 5 topics you could create content on for each pillar
  • Create a document to capture your responses and topics. I like a table format on one page
  • Document what forms of content you could create for each topic e.g. short-form, long-form, questions, tips, videos and an opt-in
  • Consider how you can repurpose a piece of content e.g. newsletter to blog
  • Review your content pillars from time to time to see what else can be created

Note: An opt-in can be static like a quiz, download or recorded videos or live like a webinar, masterclass or free training.

#3 What you focus on expands

You have a framework to create content with at least 12 topics and multiple formats. Several weeks if not months worth of content will enable you to create momentum.

Now it’s time to schedule regular slots in your calendar to put this framework into action.

And the secret to content creation is very simple...

Write like you're talking to a friend or a client. What would you say? How would you speak?

You can achieve consistent content quickly, even if consistency isn’t your strength.

Your next step is to create an opt-in that addresses one of these 4 pillars and get your list growing, so you can get the insight you need to expand it exponentially.

What opt-in are your ideal clients ready for? DM me by clicking here and let's brainstorm together