How to generate more leads through Email Marketing and Nurture Sequences

How to generate more leads through Email Marketing and Nurture Sequences

How to generate more leads through email marketing and nurture sequences by Bev Roberts from Living Fabulously.png

Did you know that email conversion rates are almost double that of social media conversion rates?

It’s true!

So, let’s discuss how to generate more leads through email marketing so you can make the most of one of your most valuable business assets - your email list.

Lead Generation Through Email Marketing

Lead generation is a critical part of any online marketing strategy and is key to growing your business.

Lead generation is not a one-time thing.

It’s important to focus on collecting potential leads for your business and continue to deliver value over time so lead generation is something that needs to happen on a regular basis in your business. And it all starts with being clear on who your target market is.

Understand Your Target Market

Your ideal customers are those people who are perfect candidates to purchase your products, services and offers. Knowing their demographics is a great start, however understanding your target market begins with truly understanding the big problem that your ideal customers are wanting to solve, and how they want to solve it.

Once you’ve got your target market nailed, you can then use online marketing methods (such as email marketing) to reach your target audience and convert them into customers because you know:

  • who they are,

  • what they want or need, and

  • how your offer can solve that want/need.

Once you know target market or niche you can:

  1. Craft an offer to meet this customer need/want
  2. Create a lead magnet (or opt-in offer) that leads people to your main offer
  3. Start generating leads for your offers

Lead Generation starts with your Opt-In Offer

To start the lead generation process you can offer something irresistible for free so that your ideal customers (aka target market) will subscribe to your email list.

This process is known as an opt-in as they are opting in to hearing from you again via email through newsletters and offers from time to time.

Your opt-in (aka lead magnet) should be some valuable content that you giveaway for free in exchange for your lead’s contact details.

But not just any piece of content. Your lead magnet must:

  • Be useful, insightful or helpful

  • Solve a small piece of your target market’s problem

  • Provide step 1 of, or the introduction to, your bigger solution or offer

Your lead magnet must also enable your new lead to:

  • Get to know your business and what you offer,

  • Easily take action and get a small win/result,

  • Know how to take the next step with you to get more results.

So your freebie or lead magnet might be:

  • An audio or video

  • A downloadable resource like a guide or a checklist

  • an eBook

  • Webinar registration

  • Free e-course

  • A challenge

  • or something else similar to this

You offer this useful piece of content in exchange for their email address and permission to regularly communicate with them via email. Then you use your email copy and email nurture sequence to turn those initial leads into active subscribers and then loyal clients.

3 steps to make lead generation really easy

  1. Create a lead magnet that is highly useful to your potential customer. The more applicable and useful it is, the easier it is to get leads to opt-in to your email list
  2. Make sure it’s easy to find your freebie or lead magnet and subscribe to it (especially on a mobile device)
  3. Have a follow-up email marketing sequence in place to enable your new lead to get to know you and what you offer

Once you have your new leads filtering in, please do not go silent on them.

Regular communication keeps you and your business front of mind. Regular communication that is informative, engaging and connection building is even better!

Here’s how you can do that…

Build Connection with your Subscribers

To build a connection with your subscribers I would recommend three things:

  1. A welcome email when they first join your list
  2. A follow-up email nurture sequence when they sign up for a new lead magnet
  3. Regular email newsletters

Regular newsletters can be any frequency although weekly or fortnightly is best, with monthly newsletters a minimum to stay connected with your leads and community.

What's important here is that your lead or subscriber gets really accustomed to receiving valuable information from you on a regular basis. It helps your name or brand become recognisable in their inbox, and over time you're building a personal connection with them.

Ask a Question

To build connections with your list, encourage people to actually respond to questions you ask in your emails.

Often, at the beginning of an email, you might share a bit about your personal story, or something relevant or topical to that particular target market, and ask them a question.

Your goal is to get them to reply to you. And, of course, when they do - be sure to reply.

This simple action of asking questions and replying builds rapport between you and your subscriber. This rapport dramatically increases the likelihood of conversion to client or referrals down the line.

Make it Shareable

You also want to make it easy for existing subscribers to forward and share your newsletters. This can be done quite easily in most email marketing platforms by just adding a link generated by the autoresponder you're using. This then acts as lead generation, as well.

Another way to make your email content shareable is to include shareable quote images, shareable text quotes, or helpful advice and insight.

Follow the Data

Another important step in using email marketing to generate more leads for your business is to analyse your results.

You need to understand what actions people take when they receive your emails so you can identify what is actually a priority for them.

For instance, did they:

  • Open particular emails more than others?

  • Click certain links?

  • Answer a survey?

  • Click through to read more about a blog?

  • Reply to your email?

  • Open more on certain days or at certain times?

Knowing these answers helps you strengthen your connection with your leads and improve their experience with your brand as you will be able to improve your emails and email nurture sequence to better serve them.

That’s why using email marketing to generate more leads for your business is ideal.

Because you can get to know your audience and begin to understand what they really want from you. All while you gently nurture them through their journey from lead to client (so you can make money in your business).

How to generate more leads through Email Marketing

Investing time and effort into making email marketing work for you is a great way to boost your income, grow your business, and obviously make money. After all, that's why we are in business.

If you’ve been putting off getting started with email marketing, I encourage you to jump in right now, so you can enjoy the benefits of an engaged email list, including:

  • Lead generation through email marketing

  • Understanding your target market

  • Building connection with subscribers

  • Making offers via email from time to time

For more information about getting started with email marketing for your business, check out my free email marketing training Fabulous First Opt-ins right here

Living Fabulously with Bev Roberts  - Fabulous First opt-ins How to accelerate your list and business growth.png

Join me now and learn how to accelerate your list and business growth with your first Opt-in